HOW MANY OF US grip our sphincter, tense our abdomens, brace ourselves against the world as we walk around all day?

Compelled to keep our bellies from spilling over our waistbands, tucking our tails under to maintain some sense of protection during this awkward stage between birth and death. Seriously, how many of us? Show of hands please?

My hand's up. I just caught myself doing it while I was typing. Perhaps you don't even realize your body is tensing up, armoring against what's going on in your world, and, more likely, your inner life.

Your body talks for you in subtle and profound ways, mostly out of alignment with the words coming out of your mouth. To be effective in your life, the quality of your communication matters!

Click THE PLAYER BELOW for a taste of the Audible Edition of  
An Introduction To Your Body's Language


Geld is gold. Provocative in a good way... the author 'goes there,' with intellect and without reluctance. I bet she enjoyed writing it as much as I enjoyed reading it.
-Jeff Jaya Sims, LMT
Breathtaking, alive, heartfelt. A real game changer. 
-David Matthew Brown, The Lion   
"Stress Free Drugs Sensual Intelligence Natalie Geld"
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In this amazing look inside your body, you will explore the skin you're in on an exquisite and UNIQUE HANDS ON TOUR from head to toe. You'll think about your body differently, even with daily activities like sitting.


you still feel stressed and disconnected, even when practicing mindfulness?

We walk around in these legs, take painstaking steps to get under the skins of those closest to us, yet spend minimal time, if any, getting under our very own. Instead we constrict, often unconsciously, trapping emotions, blocking a natural biological flow of information. Compressing our nerves, tissues, and blood flow ignites inflammation and pain, dulls sensitivity and pleasure, and recycles tired patterns. Ignoring these self sabotaging patterns, and your own body, limits spiritual growth. You miss a lot of bliss!

How can we experience the intimacy we crave with someone else, while we are dissociated from our own body?

DON'T WAIT FOR LOVE ... CREATE. In interactive and fun ways, Natalie Geld, co-founder of the Society for Mind Brain Sciences, demonstrates how to release the pressure valve every day and experience your body from within. You will move your molecules to:

  • Unlock vital energy using surprising and fun sensory experiences

  • Feel the power of loving touch to immediately relax your nervous system and feel connected and whole

  • Develop empathy and humility with things you do every day - grow your own grey matter!

  • Stimulate and balance powerful neurochemicals and hormones for love, trust, healing, and pleasure - including oxytocin, seratonin, endorphins and dopamine

  • Benefit from breakthroughs in consciousness science, brain research, and human anatomy to heal, to relieve stress, to feel pleasure, and to feel love!

This book includes Nat's provocative and exclusive conversations with world leaders to reveal how to take advantage of the stunning interdependence of our mind-body networks -- a highly concerted effort that we are an indelible part of.

Dr. Rick Hanson - Neuropsychologist, founder of the Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, and author of "Buddhas's Brain" and "Hardwiring Happiness;"
Dr. Cassandra Vieten - CEO / President of the Institute for Noetic Sciences, author of "Mindful Motherhood" and co-author with Marilyn Schlitz of "Living Deeply: The Art and Science of Transformation;"
Caroline Muir - Bestselling author of "Tantra Goddess: A Memoir of Sexual Awakening," co-author of "The Art of Conscious Loving," and Tantra Yoga Expert;
Dr. Gil Hedley - Founder of Somanautics Workshops and author of "The Atlas of Integral Anatomy;"
Dr. Dean Radin - Chief Research scientist at IONS, and author of "Entangled Minds;"
Kevin Krycka, PsyD - Clinical Psychologist and Grad Program Director, Seattle University;
Dr. Zoran Josipovic - NYU Neuroscientist and founder of the Nonduality Institute;
Anne-Marie Duchene - Psychosomatic Therapist and founder of the Art of Alignment.


Natalie Geld is an author, producer, educator, and entrepreneur.  

Natalie is the Co-founder & Creative Director of the
Society for Mind Brain Sciences. She has been actualizing vivid human potential for 25+ years with literary organizations, learning institutes, with individuals, schools, and professional communities. Nat is also Founder and Editorial Director of, read in 202 countries and every state in America. Her first book, Sensual Intelligence kicks off a series about touching the raw materials, healing, and evolving our human experience. It is also the foundation to unraveling the feedback loop of sexuality & stress in her upcoming book - Lifting the Skirt of Consciousness: Sexuality Love Power due to release in 2015.

Natalie is producer/director of the upcoming PBS series "
The Feeling Brain," and co-author of a book with cognitive neuroscientist Dr. Bernard Baars about one of the most interactive structures in the universe - our brain. Their book is also the story of the explosion of discoveries in consciousness science these past 15 years, to be published by Oxford University Press in 2015.

If you've seen Nat on TV or in magazines, it's because she straddles a diverse production career behind the camera, as well as an established career as an actress, model, and voice artist with agencies like Ford and Innovative Artists NY. When Nat's supposed to be schmoozing, she rogues about instead asking, "Why do we feel this way?" and "How can we evolve?"


Dare to evolve.

You are sensorial genius. Listen to your body and begin to speak its language.

FEEL GOOD in this skin you're in! Take advantage of the stunning interdependence of your mind-body networks -- a highly concerted effort that we are
an indelible part of.

"Sensual Intelligence Affordably Fun Healthcare Natalie Geld"
An amazing work of science and art.
-Amazon Review